Please join us for a beautiful eight course chef’s tasting menu to celebrate your love. We will be offering this menu on Friday February 14th and Saturday February 15th.

Happy 20th Anniversary Ariana Restaurant
December 2024
It is our incredible privilege and honor to celebrate our 20th anniversary at Ariana restaurant. As we reflect on the past twenty years we are equally proud and humble. We have put in tremendous time, energy, blood sweat and tears. We have celebrated in this space, we have mourned losses. We have created delicious dishes and dinners, tasted exceptional wines. We have cultivated a team of professionals who hold hospitality in their hearts and extend it to all they encounter. We have grown our restaurant family and our immediate families. We have embraced and cried and supported each other through crisis and great joys. We have had the opportunity to work with farmers and ranchers and foragers and importers. We have worn smooth places on the floors and the countertops. We have traversed the waters of a recession and a pandemic. We have made it through every challenge with the help of our family and friends. We have been supported in our endeavors by our amazing guests. We have watched you celebrate, remember, enjoy, and delight. We have not pleased everyone, but damn we tried. The gratitude we feel for the opportunity to work with the most amazing people, to live in a wonderful place with an incredible community, is without measure. Here’s to 20 more!
From the bottom of our hearts, our deepest love and gratitude,
Ariana, Andres, Glenn, Susan, and the Family at Ariana